Perpetual futures contracts don’t have an expiration date, settlement, or delivery. Instead, funding fees create incentives drive the price closer to the mark price.

Funding Payments

Every hour, for each open position in a market, participants pay clampedFundingRate * markPrice * positionSize in the direction from long positions to short positions.

If this value is positive, then the long positions will pay the short positions. If this value is negative, then the short positions will pay the long positions. Funding payments are considered realized P&L and immediately reflected in an account’s wallet balance.

An endpoint is available to view funding fee payments.

Funding Rate

The funding rate is made up of two components: The average premium index over the last hour, and a fixed interest-rate.

fundingRate := averagePremium / fundingIntervalDivisions + clamp(interestRate - averagePremium, interestRate - interestDamping, interestRate + interestDamping)

All of these parameters are available in the market specifications.

If the premium index is within interestDamping of the interestRate, the funding rate will be equal to the interestRate. If the premium index is greater than interestDamping from the interest rate, the funding rate will equal the averagePremium / fundingIntervalDivisons shifted by interestDamping towards the interestRate.

Finally, the funding rate is clamped.

clampedFundingRate = clamp(fundingRate, -maxFundingRate, maxFundingRate)