Error Codes

Requests made through API key authentication can fail with the following error codes:

API Key Authentication

Some of the endpoints require authentication through API keys.

Generating an API Key

To generate an API Key

  1. Sign into your account with a web browser at
  2. Click on your address in the upper right corner
  3. Click "API Keys”
  4. Click Add New API Key
  5. Name the key
  6. Select the correct permissions
  7. Click "Create API Key”
  8. Record the secret key

Important: The secret key should be treated the same way as a password and not stored in an unencrypted manner. Please place this information in a password manager or key vault.

IP Whitelisting

It is strongly recommended to whitelist the IP addresses which are allowed to make requests for the given API key.

IP addresses can be added in the API KEYS page or immediately after creation.

Up to 16 IP addresses can be added per API key. Only IPv4 addresses are supported at this time.