Production URL: wss://

Connection Lifecycle

WebSocket connections go through the following example lifecycle:

  1. Connect to the API at wss://
  2. For private channels (orders and fills), authentication is required here. {"op": "login", "args": {"key": <api_key_id>, "sign": <signature>, "time": <ts>}}
  3. Ping at a regular interval (every 15 seconds) with: {"op": "ping"}
  4. Receive a pong response: {"type": "pong"}
  5. Subscribe to a channel with: {"op": "subscribe", "channel": <channel_name>}
  6. Receive subscription response: {"type": "subscribed", "channel": <channel_name>}
  7. Receive an update (public prices channel example): {"type":"update","channel":"prices","data":{"pair":{"base":"AVAX","quote":"USDC"},"price":"13.879000015258789","time":"2022-11-15T16:18:12.049289984Z"}}
  8. (Optional) Unsubscribe from a channel to stop receiving messages: {"op": "unsubscribe", "channel": <channel_name>}
  9. Receive unsubscription response: {"type": "unsubscribed", "channel": <channel_name>}

If there has been no activity on the WebSocket connection for ~3min, it will be disconnected. Activity is either a ping, a successful event update, subscription or unsubscription to a channel. All these events reset the timer.


Authentication via API key.

You can create an API key by following the instructions here.

Rest API Authentication

Example request:

  "op": "login",
  "args": {
    "key": "<api_key_id>",
    "time": "<timestamp>",
    "sign": "<signature>"

Success response:



Sends a message whenever a deposit is received on the currently logged in account

// Request
// Subscribe to fills.
  "channel": "deposits",
   "timeout_seconds": 60

// Response
// First will be confirmation about operation success/failure.
  "channel": "deposits",
  "data": ...

  "channel": "deposits",
  "type": "subscribed",
  "data": {
		"accountID": "1231234123123",
	  "coin": "AVAX",
	  "amount": "200.500123"
	  "chainID": "43114",
	  "time": "2022-06-16T12:35:11.123456Z"
	  "transfer": {
	    "txn": "0x0cb63d177240402801dcb0388bfc74472b64c2f6f55cc67d10ddfa818a1046c4",
	    "type": "0x2",
	    "nonce": "1234",
	    "contract_address": "0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48",
	    "from": "0x706d602729b932959935c1efd350cea74527d3d0",
	    "to": "0x85033fba5d2a988c4134344967d1a57ea392f059",
	    "amount": "1000000000000000000",
	    "data": "0x0",


Sends a message when a withdrawal request is received and sends status updates at interval until the withdrawal is complete

// Request
  "channel": "withdrawals",
   "timeout_seconds": 60

// Response
// First will be confirmation about operation success/failure.
  "channel": "withdrawals",
  "data": ...

  "channel": "withdrawals",
  "data": {
    "request": {"chain_id": "43114", "withdrawal_id": "12345"},
    "transaction_id": "0x0cb63d177240402801dcb0388bfc74472b64c2f6f55cc67d10ddfa818a1046c4",
    "confirmations": 8